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1  |    Registration and enrollment

All participants must complete the registration process before attending the class. Participants are required to provide accurate and up-to-date personal information during the registration process. Enrollment in the class is subject to availability and will be confirmed upon receipt of payment.

2  |    Age and eligibility

The class is open to individuals ages 18+ and skill levels, unless specified otherwise for specialized classes. Participants under the age of 18 must let K-Dance Studios of their participation and obtain written consent from a parent or legal guardian before attending the class. Proof of age is required to participate.

Privacy & Safety

3  |    Class schedule and cancellation

K-Dance Studios reserves the right to modify the class schedule, including but not limited to class times, dates, or instructors. Participants will be notified of any schedule changes or class cancellations through email or our official communication channels.

4  |    Code of conduct

All participants are expected to uphold a positive and respectful atmosphere during the class. Any form of harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate behavior towards other participants or instructors will not be tolerated and may result in immediate dismissal from the class without refund.

5  |    Fees and payment

Participants must pay the designated class fees as outlined during the registration process. All fees are non-refundable, except in exceptional circumstances, as determined solely by K-Dance Studios. In case of withdrawal due to unavoidable circumstances, participants may be eligible for a credit towards future classes, subject to K-Dance Studios' discretion. Our refund policy is outlined in our FAQs section.

6  |    Liability and health

Participants acknowledge that dance involves physical activity and understand the inherent risks associated with it. Participants are responsible for ensuring that they are physically fit to participate in the class. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries, please consult with a medical professional before enrolling. K-Dance Studios and its instructors will not be held liable for any injuries or accidents that may occur during the class.

7  |    Intellectual property

All choreography, music, and materials taught in the class are the intellectual property of K-Dance Studios or their respective creators. Participants are not allowed to record or distribute the class content without prior written consent from K-Dance Studios.

8  |    Miscellaneous

These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between K-Dance Studios and the participant, superseding any prior agreements or understandings. K-Dance Studios reserves the right to update or modify these terms and conditions at any time. Participants will be notified of any changes.

By registering and participating in K-Dance Studio's classes, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us before proceeding with enrollment.

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